Probation Violation Lawyer Tampa, FL

Fines and jail time are just two possible penalties for a criminal conviction. In some cases, someone convicted of a misdemeanor may receive probation instead of jail time. Or, someone who was sentenced to jail or prison may be released early and placed on probation. Probation allows someone convicted of a crime to exercise personal accountability, acting as an alternative to prison.

Florida requires those on probation to follow strict guidelines, including meeting regularly with their probation officer and following the instructions of the officer (such as demonstrating that they have or are seeking gainful employment and that they are following terms of release, such as not possessing a firearm or staying a certain distance from another individual or staying off private property). Suppose someone on probation violates the terms of probation or the conditions stated for their release or commits a crime while on probation. In that case, they face serious consequences, including going back to jail for the remainder of the sentence.

Don’t risk your freedom. If you have been charged with probation violation, contact the skilled attorneys from Stechschulte Nell. We can protect your rights and fight to keep you on probation—and out of jail! Call today to talk to a Tampa, FL, probation violation lawyer.

What Can A Tampa Probation Violation Lawyer Do For My Case?

It’s not unusual for someone to unintentionally violate the terms of their probation, as probation conditions can be complex and numerous. For example, you may be required to tell your probation officer when you get a new job or if your address changes. Or, perhaps you have to leave town for a family emergency. If you forgot to tell your P.O. in your rush, you could face many years in jail.

Many people are required to abstain from drugs and alcohol while on probation and submit to mandatory drug testing. Probation may even limit who your friends can be – many conditions include forbidding you from fraternizing with known criminal acquaintances! Even paying your fees late or accidentally missing a meeting with the probation officer could be considered a probation violation.

If you have received a notice that you violated the terms of probation, you need a skilled Tampa probation violation lawyer fast. We may be able to keep you out of jail and reinstate your probation, but you need to act fast and present a strong case to the judge. We can help you do this.

Helping You Mitigate Consequences Of Probation Violation In Florida

As your legal representatives, the Stechschulte Nell attorneys are prepared to investigate the reasons for your probation violation and build a strong case, with mitigating factors, for the judge. We may arrange for stricter terms of probation to keep you out of jail or may be able to prove that you did not intend to violate the probation.

A strong defense is key to maintaining your probation status and eventually regaining your full freedoms and rights. But Florida probation laws can be harsh. Don’t risk your future without a fight. Contact our firm today for a consultation with a Tampa probation violation lawyer.