Juvenile Lawyer Tampa, FL

Every parent worries about their child getting into trouble, but when that trouble involves a juvenile arrest, normal worry turns into a parent’s worst nightmare. Will my child go to jail? Will they have a permanent record that follows them their entire lives? What if my child is charged as an adult?

We understand, and at Stechschulte Nell, we’re committed to protecting the rights of the youngest and most vulnerable participants in the Florida justice system. Your child has the same rights and protections under the law as an adult, including the right to vigorous legal representation and defense.

Don’t let police officers or prosecutors intimidate your child after an arrest. You can begin asserting your child’s rights immediately after an arrest with a phone call to our Tampa, FL juvenile lawyer from our firm. We protect you and your family and guide you through the justice system from start to finish. Our goal is to prevent a youthful mistake or poor decision from affecting the rest of your child’s life.

How Can a Tampa Juvenile Lawyer Help My Child?

Representing a minor in the Florida juvenile justice system is quite different from representing an adult. We typically start by petitioning to have your child released from a secure detention center (if they have not been released yet) and return home to their family to await the next steps in their case. This may involve petitioning the court for a Detention Risk Assessment Instrument to determine whether they can return home or should remain in custody. We also visit your child at the detention center to discuss the case, explaining the nature of their charges and the possible outcomes if found guilty.

Our legal team mounts a vigorous defense for your child, including presenting evidence on their behalf and introducing mitigating factors into the case, such as your child’s age, positive school record, or positive impact in their community, or presenting evidence that your child may have been coerced or pressured.

We strive for no jail time for youthful offenders, especially if the charge is a misdemeanor or the incident has mitigating factors that could impact sentencing. If your child is found guilty, the penalty could include:

  • A judicial warning
  • Probation, including supervised house arrest
  • Residential commitment in a secure detention facility, with aftercare supervision upon release

Your child may face adult sanctions and penalties if they are tired as an adult in adult court. We strive to keep each juvenile client in Florida juvenile courts, even if they face a felony.

The Florida Juvenile Justice System – It’s Different Than the Adult System

Most juveniles (people under 18) charged with a crime in Florida will have their case handled by the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Unlike the adult justice system, which often focuses solely on punishment, the Florida juvenile justice system focuses on rehabilitation, reducing recidivism (the chances that the child will commit another crime) and helping them learn skills necessary for a successful future out of jail.

Your child may be required to attend a diversion program, which is intended to stop delinquent actions and provide early intervention to keep your child on the straight and narrow. We also explore alternative sentencing options if your child is convicted.

We’re Here To Help Your Child

When a minor has been charged with a crime, especially a serious felony that could see them tried as an adult, it’s critical to have legal protection from the beginning. The attorneys at Stechschulte Nell can take over the case at any point in the process, advising you and your child of your rights and the options open to them for a positive resolution to the case.

Call our firm today to speak with an experienced Tampa juvenile lawyer.