Embezzlement Lawyer Tampa, FL

Embezzlement is a serious crime in Florida, and if convicted, you could face years—even decades—in prison. Even if the sentence is light, your entire future could be at risk. Employers may shy away from hiring someone who was arrested for embezzlement, and if you hold a professional license, you may lose it. With so much on the line, you need a strong Tampa, FL, embezzlement lawyer by your side to defend you.

Florida law defines embezzlement as the fraudulent appropriation of money or assets by a person entrusted with the security of said assets with the intent of personal gain. For example, if an employer entrusts a clerk or cashier with money handling or gives them responsibility over company funds, and that cashier swipes some of the money or diverts some of the funds to their own bank account, then they can be charged with embezzlement.

Make no mistake – prosecutors in Florida aggressively pursue convictions against people charged with embezzlement, especially if the amount of money involved makes the charge a felony. Don’t try to fight alone. Trust the legal team at Stechschulte Nell to defend your rights and protect you from arrest through trial. Call today for a consultation.

What Does A Tampa Embezzlement Lawyer Do?

Defending against an embezzlement charge can get tricky. Many times, the government will spend countless hours collecting evidence to use against you. We craft our defense based on your circumstances, using our deep knowledge of federal laws to build a strong case on your behalf.

Some of the approaches we have successfully used include:

  • You were coerced into committing the crime, or you committed the actions under duress
  • Lack of intent – we establish that you did not intend to defraud the other party or that the misappropriation was due to a mistake or misunderstanding
  • You were the victim of entrapment or caught up in entrapment in a larger, more complex case
  • The prosecution has insufficient evidence to charge you with a crime, or there isn’t enough evidence to convict you

We have extensive resources to defend people like you who are accused of embezzlement, including our own forensic accountant and private investigators. We review the prosecutor’s case so we can dismantle it and gather objective evidence to build a strong defense for you.

Our attorneys can also work to minimize the severity of the charges laid against you or negotiate with the prosecutor to arrange a plea bargain for a lesser penalty. We strive to preserve your future, reduce jail time, and defend you against excessive charges.

Do You Need Help After Being Charged With Embezzlement?

If you’re facing embezzlement charges, you know there’s a lot more on the line than just a loss of reputation. You may face years behind bars and be made to pay thousands of dollars in fines and restitution. It’s imperative to act promptly and secure legal counsel. The earlier you call us, the more time the legal team at Stechschulte Nell has to build a strong defense on your behalf. Your Tampa embezzlement lawyer is committed to an aggressive, tenacious pursuit of your interests and defense of your rights. Call today.