DUI Manslaughter Lawyer Tampa, FL

Most people agree that drinking and driving is dangerous, although statistics show that thousands of Floridians get behind the wheel after drinking each year. When someone drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs and gets into a traffic collision that causes the death of another person, they will often be charged with MUI manslaughter.

Make no mistake – even though you did not intend to harm or kill the other person, this is a very serious charge. You could face decades in prison, as well as civil penalties. Don’t try to defend yourself on your own. Your future is too important. A Tampa, FL, DUI manslaughter lawyer can help protect your rights during the investigation and criminal justice process. Don’t talk to the police until you consult first with an attorney.

If you have been arrested on a DUI manslaughter charge in Hillsborough County, you are not eligible to seek bail until after your first court appearance hearing. Working with an attorney from Stechschulte Nell is crucial at this stage, as we can fight to have a low bond and get you home to your family. Call us today—don’t risk your future by waiting!

How Can A Tampa DUI Manslaughter Lawyer Help Me?

When you need aggressive representation in a DUI manslaughter case, contact the Stechschulte Nell legal team. We provide insightful legal counsel based on our decades of collective experience in criminal cases and our experience as prosecutors. We know how the prosecution operates because we were once on that side of the aisle!

Don’t risk your future by trying to go it alone in a criminal case or by trusting a lawyer who doesn’t have the depth of experience and knowledge we do. Our legal team carefully gathers evidence to use on your behalf and questions the validity of the evidence that the prosecutor may try to use against you. We can determine if your constitutional rights were violated in the case or attempt to have your charges dismissed or reduced. From arrest to trial, we’re committed to your freedom and future.

DUI Manslaughter Penalties Are Severe

Florida considers driving under the influence (DUI) as having a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or higher. If someone is over the legal limit and is involved in a fatal traffic accident, they can be charged with DUI manslaughter.

If you are convicted, the penalties are harsh. You could be forced to pay fines of up to $10,000, sent to prison for up to 15 years, and permanently lose your license to drive. You could also face additional penalties in civil court.

The deceased’s family may file a wrongful death lawsuit against you, seeking restitution for the loss of their loved one. Depending on the case, you may be found liable for the death of the other person, even if you are found not guilty in criminal court, as the burden of proof for a wrongful death case is lower than for DUI manslaughter.

Protecting Your Rights After A DUI Manslaughter Charge

If you have been accused of DUI manslaughter, it’s important to have a lawyer as soon as possible. At Stechschulte Nell, we start working for you from the moment of your arrest, defending you in police interrogations and protecting your rights during the investigative process. We also mount a vigorous defense in court, fighting for your freedom. Contact us today for a consultation with an experienced Tampa DUI manslaughter lawyer.