Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Tampa, FL

It’s not unusual to be surprised at being charged with domestic violence. What you believe was a simple misunderstanding or fight may, in fact, be considered a crime under Florida law. A majority of domestic violence charges are filed against a boyfriend or husband, and not all of these charges end up being valid. Unfortunately, police and prosecutors aggressively pursue a conviction for people accused of domestic violence without pausing to hear your side of the story.

That’s where the legal team at Stechschulte Nell comes in. We know that domestic violence accusations can affect the rest of your life, even if you’re found innocent. And, we know that the penalties for certain domestic violence crimes can carry harsh jail sentences and heavy fines. Don’t risk your future by trying to fight these charges by yourself. Trust an experienced Tampa, FL, domestic violence defense lawyer from our firm to protect your rights and fight for your freedom. Call today for a personalized consultation.

How Can A Tampa Domestic Violence Lawyer Help Me?

When someone makes an allegation of domestic violence, the police typically take action right away. You could be in jail before you realize it, unsure where to turn. You have the right to have legal counsel during police questioning and the right to representation in court. We start working for you from the moment of your arrest, guiding you through interrogations and protecting your rights against unlawful search, seizure, or questioning.

Domestic violence isn’t just partner-on-partner. Florida law sets a broad scope of who can be considered a member of the household or “family.” Domestic violence charges may be laid against you by a parent, child, roommate, or even a family member who does not reside with you.

In addition to domestic violence charges, defined as assault or battery against a household or family member, you may also face other charges, like:

  • Stalking
  • Kidnapping
  • False imprisonment
  • Sexually based crimes

Don’t let things spin out of control without legal intervention. Trust our attorneys to protect your rights and guide you through the criminal justice system.

Domestic Violence Charges Can Impact Every Aspect Of Your Life

Everything that you’ve worked hard to build and achieve can be gone in an instant with a domestic violence accusation. Even if you are acquitted of all charges, you could face a loss of reputation in your community, lose friends or family, or even jeopardize your job or housing. We know a lot is on the line for you, including your freedom and future. That’s why we bring our decades of combined experience, including working as a state prosecutor, plus extensive resources to bear on your behalf.

Many times, the alleged victim will request an injunction or petition for an order of protection against you, even if you haven’t been arrested. This may limit contact between you and the accuser and could affect your ability to parent—or even make it so you cannot live in your own home!

If you’ve been accused of domestic violence, you need a lawyer to help protect your rights and future. At Stechschulte Nell, we fight to achieve the best possible outcome for your case, protecting your reputation and defending your freedom. Call us today for a consultation with a skilled Tampa domestic violence lawyer.