Alcohol Test by Drawing Blood
12 years ago
DUI Defense

DUI Blood Testing Varies Among the States

No excuses indeed. A Texas state law allows law enforcement to detain drunk drivers and take a blood test when they have probable cause and the driver refuses to 'volunteer' other evidence like a breathalyzer test. The 'No Excuses' law allows law e...

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12 years ago
DUI Defense

Even cops can be arrested for DUI

A St Petersburg police officer was found passed out at the wheel of her car while a stoplight cycled several times from green to red. While refusing to do field sobriety tests, which Tampa DUI attorney Ben Stechschulte suggests you should do a...

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12 years ago
DUI Defense

Not All Tampa DUI Checkpoints Are Legal

Tampa DUI attorney Ben Stechschulte agrees that Tampa DUI checkpoints are necessary to keep drunk drivers off the road. However, these checkpoints must be legal. The Supreme Court found that DUI checkpoints are Constitutional but local authoritie...

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12 years ago
DUI Defense

To Blow or Not to Blow

As an experienced Tampa dui lawyer, board certified attorney Ben Stechschulte recommends not submitting to a breath test. Even if you believe you are not drunk or impaired, your breath alcohol level still could measure at or above the .08 lega...

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